What does climate change mean for NH? - Archived

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UNH Reports: ‘NH getting warmer, wetter as climate changes’

View/download: Southern NH Climate Assessment 2014 (pdf 5Mb)

“Climate Change in New Hampshire: Past, Present, and Future” – two studies published by UNH – report that average annual temperatures in the Granite State will “likely rise by 3 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit and extreme precipitation events will likely double by mid-century.”
[box type=”info”]The SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE study includes data for Mount Sunapee.[/box]
In New Hampshire, temperatures are on the rise, particularly in winter, according to the UNH study. The number of days with temps less than 32 degrees F has decreased. Our coldest of winter nights are warming and lake ice-out days are occurring earlier. Additionally, the frequency of extreme precipitation events are increasing. Published in 2014, the reports are intended “to provide decision-relevant information as municipalities and regions face challenging choices regarding future investments.”