Push-poll Home Page Widget - Archived

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Welsh Family Responds to Okemo Advertising Campaign

The family of Herbert Welsh, first protector of Mount Sunapee and one of NH’s first conservationists, released a letter this week, strongly voicing their opposition to Okemo’s use of Welsh’s likeness and life story in promoting the proposed development and expansion. Read the letter and news coverage.

Okemo Push Polls for Expansion

Updated 10/19

Several area residents contacted FOMS (on 10/15/14 and 10/16/14) about phone calls received that use push-poll tactics. If you receive a phone call about/for Mount Sunapee Resort that purports to be an opinion survey while providing untested facts and/or references Herbert Welsh’s conservation legacy at Mount Sunapee, please contact us or call 603-863-0045. Read more…