Congratulations to trail worker, mentor and crew chief, Craig Sanborn, who was recently recognized for his “commitment to service and the tradition of volunteerism” with a 2015 Spirit of New Hampshire Award.
Craig is a dedicated worker and advocate for our public hiking trails including those on Mount Sunapee.
As crew chief of the Cardigan Highlanders Volunteer Trail Crew, Craig celebrated 30 years of trail tending by welcoming new members, who learned the skills and turned out to have fun building dozens of new fixtures on Mounts Cardigan, Sunapee, and Kearsarge.
We tend 10 miles of hiking trail on the Cardigan range and 5 miles on Mount Sunapee. We see to the routine preventive Level 1 upkeep: clean 140 drains spring and fall, trim back the brush, paint the blazes that mark trails for hikers, and remove fallen trees. After 30 years we know how often to attend these chores, so our trails are almost always in good condition. We also build all the Level 2 fixtures on these trails: steps, waterbars, retaining walls, bridges, signs etc.
In 2015, the trail crew added 45 rock steps on Mount Cardigan’s West Ridge Trail and, on Mount Sunapee, 60 on the Newbury Trail and 4 on Andrew Brook Trail. Other work included building:
- 6 rock water bars on Sunapee’s Rim Trail, which now has 20 drains in its half-mile length;
- a 20′ bridge with the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway Trail Club on a MSGTC maintained trail; and
- a 12′ bridge (at State request) that required hauling PT lumber 1/4 mile up the Barlow Trail on Mt. Kearsarge at Winslow State Park.
The trail crew’s work log totals 811 hours.
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